Effective 1.1.2022 the former S.H. Smith Override Commission Agreement is amended to apply to the entire R T Specialty network of brokers.
Lora Robbins - Executive Vice President - #813.523.9117 [email protected] Ed Martindale – property # 860.466.0928 [email protected] Mark Mullarkey – professional & cyber # 860.748.7576 [email protected] Lauren Baker – Binding # 860.256.7091 [email protected] If you need help identifying a RPS broker with appropriate expertise, contact [email protected] or the dedicated Marketing Representative's below:
Ron Smedley, Marketing & Sales # 859.619.1472 – [email protected] Scott Spangler, Client Relations Manager, # 630 285 4324 - [email protected] |
Kentucky: https://www.arlingtonroe.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/KY-Contact-Sheet-030821.pdf Ohio: https://arlingtonroe.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/OH-Contact-Sheet-060321.pdf AmWINS acquired Worldwide [WWFI and predecessor Tennant Risk] in the spring of 2021; the Override Commission Agreement remained in-force for WWFI offices only thru 12.31.21 -
Starting 1.1.2022 AmWINS brokers will consider paying higher upfront commissions to ARM Agents, (e.g., 12% in lieu of 10%) Agecies must request higher commissions, ARM recommends on all new and renewal business placed with AmWINS - please provide feedback to [email protected] - THANKS Contacts: Sean Smith – broker Professional Lines & Cyber - # 267.337.3570 Lisa Haaser – V.P. underwriter Cyber - # 860.944.0008 Justin Lehtonen – broker P&C - # 213.236.4536 John Grise – Sr. V.P. # 508.625.3549 |
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Associated Risk Managers can help your Agency have preferred access to a wide range of standard and specialty carriers when you join with other ARM Members to support joint Marketing & Sales efforts for those Insurers.
Do you have an idea for a ARM program? - contact Terry Quested or reach out to other ARM Members in Kentucky or Ohio for their input - if two or more ARM Members wish to pursue any market ARM would like to help.
Do you have an idea for a ARM program? - contact Terry Quested or reach out to other ARM Members in Kentucky or Ohio for their input - if two or more ARM Members wish to pursue any market ARM would like to help.